Enter your full nameJeffery Rashad Boges
Phone Number(229) 886-4637
Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Control Number004047676
Date of Initiation03/22/2003
Current Chapter MembersipGraduate
Current Chapter NameEta Omicron
Upload your personal resumeResume.docx
Upload your personal headshot. (Prefer professional)Upload your personal headshot. (Prefer professional)
Select your most desired committee or position for which you are applyingRegion Representative
Statement of Interest (1st Choice)

Since my initiation into the fraternity, I have served in leadership roles on a local level, including Basileus, Vice Basileus, and KRS . I believe that it is time to move to the next level in the fraternity. I understand the operations of the fraternity and have relationships with each chapter in Region II (my current region). Professionally, I serve as an assistant principal where I manage over 100 faculty and staff and over 700 students. It is my desire to not only see my chapter succeed, but also the region, state, district, and the fraternity as a whole to operate in greatness.

Select your second most desired committee or position for which you are applyingTechnology (Website, Social Media)
Statement of Interest (2nd Choice)

I serve as the social media point of contact for my chapter, Eta Omicron. I have knowledge and skills to promote the work that is being done to showcase Omega in a positive light.

Select your third most desired committee or position for which you are applyingMental and Physical Health
Statement of Interest (3rd Choice)

I have an undergraduate degree in psychology and a Masters in School Counseling, mental health matters to me. We need initiatives to support mental health, physical health goes hand in hand with the mental.