Enter your full nameClarence Pittman III
Phone Number(470) 640-3676
Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Control Number004012469
Date of Initiation01/10/1981
Current Chapter MembersipGraduate
Current Chapter NameKappa Alpha Alpha
Upload your personal resumeCPittman-resume-10212022.docx
Upload your personal headshot. (Prefer professional)OPPF-KAA-CP.jpg.pdf
Select your most desired committee or position for which you are applyingHistory & Archives
Statement of Interest (1st Choice)

I have been driven to capture and document Omega Psi Phi Fraternity's footprint which helps both our written narrative and improves branding. For the last few years, I have been the chapter reporter for Kappa Alpha Alpha and Theta Lambda Lambda.

Select your second most desired committee or position for which you are applyingBylaws and Rules
Statement of Interest (2nd Choice)

With a background in contracting, acquisitions management, and as a military officer, I possess organizational and administrative skills, including generation and modification of written documents.

Select your third most desired committee or position for which you are applyingProtocol
Statement of Interest (3rd Choice)

My experience also as an Army officer for 13 years is beneficial towards due diligence for policy, rules, and procedural issues to analyze constructive ideas, problem solve, and construct remedies.