Enter your full name | Thomas Dwain Smith |
Phone Number | (770) 354-7678 |
Email Address | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Control Number | 004013669 |
Date of Initiation | 03/11/1982 |
Current Chapter Membersip | Graduate |
Current Chapter Name | Kappa Alpha Alpha |
Upload your personal resume | Thomas-Dwain-Smith-Executive-Bio-2022.doc |
Upload your personal headshot. (Prefer professional) | |
Select your most desired committee or position for which you are applying | NAACP |
Statement of Interest (1st Choice) | "Even when the polls are open to all, Negroes have shown themselves too slow to exercise their voting privileges. There must be a concerted effort on the part of Negro leaders to arouse their people from their apathetic indifference... in the past, apathy was a moral failure. Today, it is a form of moral and political suicide." - Rev., Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The quote by Rev., Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. summarizes one of the tasks the Men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. have met from the fraternity’s inception in 1911 as leaders who rise to the challenges before us – just as the founders’ vision to be Christian men focused on the good of the brotherhood and service to others has taken the forefront as democracy teeters in these perilous times. As a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. State of Georgia NAACP Committee, we were able to work with chapters throughout the state to empower, build consensus, educate, motivate and propel graduate and undergraduate chapters to realize their potential as power brokers and apply that influence in 2022 during the primaries, primary runoffs and now leading into the all-important midterms. Along with the committee chairman, Bro. Carl Weaver, and the others, we created a template for voter empowerment – called the Voter Empowerment Campaign. In support of Bro. Weaver and fellow committee members, I helped set up Zoom trainings for all state chapters on voter registration, voter outreach and phone banking. As a member of the NAACP DeKalb Branch, I was promoted to team leader in the branch’s Political Action Committee in my first year. In this role, I have coordinated voter outreach, voter education and registration projects throughout DeKalb County, assisting with hundreds of voter registrations and thousands of pieces of literature distributed to inform, educate and motivate residents. I have co-hosted political forums, strategy sessions and trainings. “A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.” - Rev., Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In essence, we, as having visionary traits, must be equipped to motivate Omega men in the state to realize the vision of the fraternity through one of our mandatory initiative’s (NAACP) key mission: to achieve equity, political rights, and social inclusion by advancing policies and practices that expand human and civil rights, eliminate discrimination, and accelerate the well-being, education, and economic security of Black people and all persons of color. In summary, I humbly submit this statement to answer the call, if chosen by State of Georgia leadership, to serve as NAACP Committee Chairman of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. State of Georgia, with dignity, creativity, honor, integrity, trust and vision. |