Enter your full nameCarl Edward Weaver
Phone Number(678) 978-1458
Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Control Number004033218
Date of Initiation11/24/1992
Current Chapter MembersipGraduate
Current Chapter NameKappa Alpha Alpha Chapter
Upload your personal resumeResume-Educational.docx
Upload your personal headshot. (Prefer professional)Upload your personal headshot. (Prefer professional)
Select your most desired committee or position for which you are applyingRegion Representative
Statement of Interest (1st Choice)

First, I am qualified to hold the regional representative's office in the State of Georgia's Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Since I have been in our great Fraternity, I have exemplified our four cardinal principles. Manhood, Scholarship, perseverance, and uplift are the guided aspirations of the road I travel throughout Omega. My brothers and friends in our Fraternity share the same views.
Next, I served as the Basileus of the Alpha Sigma Chapter and the Keeper of Records and Seal for two years during my undergraduate studies. These positions were held during separate fiscal years. Also, I recently served as the Keeper of Records and Seal for the Kappa Alpha Alpha Chapter in Dekalb County, Georgia. Motivating the brotherhood through positive communication will assist with getting my reports promptly.
Finally, integrity is a must, and uplifting others is a priority if I become a regional representative educating other shall be my aim.

Select your second most desired committee or position for which you are applyingNAACP
Statement of Interest (2nd Choice)

I am the NAACP chair of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. State of Georgia Organization. As the NAACP chair, my team and I have made an impact. I have collaborated with undergraduates and graduate chapters with their local NAACP branch. Rewrote the Standard Operating Procedures for chapters to follow.
We communicated using various platforms, such as face-to-face meetings, emails, and phone calls, with the different chapters in the State of Georgia. My team consists of myself and ten members across the state. Our experience provides us with the know-how and blueprints to effectively run the NAACP committee.
Finally, the support from the first Vice Representative made it possible to have a successful committee. The members of our Fraternity who chair other committee was also helpful.

Select your third most desired committee or position for which you are applyingLife Membership
Statement of Interest (3rd Choice)

I am a Life member on the state level and a life member nationally and in the district. Keeping our dues paid is essential for our brand and having the resources to function. Reclaiming the brotherhood and motivating them to become life members is a noble deed. Of course, I will need some assistance with this committee.
Finding the right members to assist with the Life Membership committee should not be difficult.