Enter your full nameDelvin Sharrod Hawkins
Phone Number(229) 344-5574
Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Control Number004070458
Date of Initiation11/06/2016
Current Chapter MembersipGraduate
Current Chapter NameEta Omicron
Upload your personal resumeDelvin-Hawkins-Resume-04142022.doc.docx
Upload your personal headshot. (Prefer professional)Upload your personal headshot. (Prefer professional)
Select your most desired committee or position for which you are applyingMental and Physical Health
Statement of Interest (1st Choice)

As a Public Health Official, I am privy to health information that whuch is analyzed and
used to determine the health status of all Georgians. This information is then used to identify the drivers of health disparities. These skills could also be used to help Omega better determine the health issues in which more education is needed. This strategy has been proven to be effective for many years.

Select your second most desired committee or position for which you are applyingSTEM
Statement of Interest (2nd Choice)

As a former high-school Health Occupations Instructor and Paramedic, I have witnessed first hand the impact of STEM programs. Also having a daughter who has benefited from STEM involvement while matriculation at Spelman, I would serve as an advocate for STEM programs with first-hand experience of its success.

Select your third most desired committee or position for which you are applyingBylaws and Rules
Statement of Interest (3rd Choice)

As a former KRS who served to consecutive terms as KRS of my chapter, I understand well the importance of establishing, updating, maintaining appropriate and well-defined bylaws that will serve as an appropriate guide.