Enter your full nameVincent Patrick McCant
Phone Number(044) 852-8976
Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Control Number004068418
Date of Initiation08/01/2015
Current Chapter MembersipGraduate
Current Chapter NameEta Omega
Upload your personal resume2022-Resume-for-Vincent-McCant-MFG2.doc
Upload your personal headshot. (Prefer professional)Upload your personal headshot. (Prefer professional)
Select your most desired committee or position for which you are applyingTechnology (Website, Social Media)
Statement of Interest (1st Choice)

I have served as the State IT Chair and Social Media point person from 2016-2020. I've continued to serve as an administrator for the GA State FB page currently.

Select your second most desired committee or position for which you are applyingFatherhood Initiative and Youth Mentoring
Statement of Interest (2nd Choice)

I've served as a mentor for over 27 years. During this time I've mentored over 50 young men. It's a passion I enjoy.

Select your third most desired committee or position for which you are applyingSocial Action
Statement of Interest (3rd Choice)

I'm extremely involved in activities within my community.