Please use the grid below to browse the individual businesses in our Business Directory.
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Business Name | Hand UP23 Foundation Inc. |
Business Owner Name | Philip Starke ED.S |
Business Owner Name (Co-owner/ secondary owner) | Philip Starke |
Business/ Owner Email | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Business Category | Education |
Divine 9 Owner(s) |
Website | |
Business Address | 209 Snow Bird Drive Hampton, Georgia 30228 Map It |
Phone (Main) | (678) 521-3884 |
Business Product/Service Description | Through our foundation, HandUp23 Foundation Incorporated, we seek to make better the lives of those in our community through Education, Uplift and Financial support. We provide counseling and educational services to help prevent current issues from becoming permanent ones. We are a Hand UP, not a handout. |
Instagram Profile |