Details for Chelsie and Cierra Consulting

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Business NameChelsie and Cierra Consulting
Business Owner NameBarrette Walker
Business Owner Name (Co-owner/ secondary owner)NA Walker
Business/ Owner EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Business CategoryPersonal Care & Services
Divine 9 Owner(s)
  • Omega Psi Phi
Business Address411 Wellington Place
Brunswick, Georgia 31523
Map It
Phone (Main)(191) 797-7164
What are your hours of operation?

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Business Product/Service Description

Chelsie and Cierra Consulting provide assistance in the following areas:
Veterans Claims Assessor Youth Mentor
Career Plans Development Employment Research
College Enrollment College Scholarship Research
Resume Development Interview Techniques
Time Management Accreditation Assessor