Details for Mach 1 Security Services Inc.

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Business NameMach 1 Security Services Inc.
Business Owner NameDwayne Ellis
Business Owner Name (Co-owner/ secondary owner)Dwayne Ellis
Business/ Owner EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Divine 9 Owner(s)
  • Omega Psi Phi
Business Address3201 Atlanta Industrial Parkway Suite 204
Atlanta, Georgia 30331
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Phone (Main)(404) 254-4649
What are your hours of operation?

8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Business Product/Service Description

Mach 1 Security Services, Inc has been in business since 2011. We provide security and patrol services for various clients throughout the metro Atlanta area. Our customer portfolio of business incudes Class
“A” office building, office parks, retail centers and patrol services for restaurants and other facilities. We are a Gemalto finger printing Agency. Our electronic submission of fingerprint images will involve the use of a Gemalto Cogent Live scan machine. The Live scan captures fingerprint images and demographic data and submits this information to GBI. GBI conducts a search of its criminal history records using the fingerprint images. In some cases, these images are also forwarded to the FBI where a Federal Criminal History Record search is also conducted. Notifications of the search results are then forwarded from the GBI/FBI to Gemalto Cogent where these results are then electronically disseminated to the Georgia company or agency that requested the search to be completed.