Enter your full name | Herbert Adams Jr. |
Phone Number | (404) 502-7260 |
Email Address | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
Control Number | 004036805 |
Date of Initiation | 04/29/1995 |
Current Chapter Membersip | Graduate |
Current Chapter Name | Kappa Alpha Alpha |
Upload your personal resume | Herbert-Adams-resume-2022.docx |
Upload your personal headshot. (Prefer professional) | |
Select your most desired committee or position for which you are applying | Bylaws and Rules |
Statement of Interest (1st Choice) | As a lawyer for more than 3 decades, I am very familiar with laws and rules. In addition, I have worked on bylaws as a church trustee and Pan-Hellenic Council representative for my KAA chapter. It is now time for me to share my skillset with the Omega Psi Phi State Organization of Georgia. |
Select your second most desired committee or position for which you are applying | History & Archives |
Statement of Interest (2nd Choice) | As a former high school social studies teacher, I love history. The various Georgia chapters of Omega Psi Phi are making history every day. I want to play a part in chronicling that history and in preserving it for future generations of Omega men. We must write, tell and protect our story. |
Statement of Interest (3rd Choice) | N/A |